Friday, November 22, 2013

Our day of shopping!

This term we have been learning about the market.  We thought it would be a good idea to visit a few markets. First we went to a strawberry market and we had an ice cream for morning team. That was a treat! After that we headed off to Sandringham to visit Wesley community market. We had a fabulous time looking for bargains. Then we went to Hunter's Plaza to buy secret Santa presents for our classmates. We can't wait to give them to our buddies.  When we arrived back at school, Ms Thompson made fruit salad with the fruit we bought at the market. What a great day we had!

 The ice creams were delicious, even Ms Thompson couldn't resist having one.
Here we are arriving at the market. We had to complete a survey while we were there so we are just checking the questions.
 Off we go!
 So much to see!  Hmmm, now what should we buy?

Jacob wanted to buy this toy but he didn't have enough money. He haggled with the stall holder and got a bargain! Good on you Jacob!
 And he got change!
 More shopping, what else do I need?
 Our last stop, Hunters Plaza.  Hey, I saw some of this stuff at the market!

 We've got our presents and now it's back to school. What a fabulous day shopping!
 Fruit salad, mmmmm!

This term we celebrated Diwali. We came to school dressed in our lovely clothes to celebrate our special day.
Don't we look lovely!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Culture Day

In Term 3, we had a culture day. We were allowed to wear clothes that reflected our culture. Can you guess our culture?

Term 3 Events

We had a very busy Term 3. We were very active and had a lot of fun participating in swimming, gymnastics and sport with Counties Manukau.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Our Busy Term

We had a very busy term and learned lot of exciting new things. We led a school assembly and performed the story of Maui and the Big Fish and made some awesome artwork to go with the story.
We sang a waiata and the whole assembly went really well. It was awesome!!

We also learned about Samoa. We drew some patterns and made a tapa cloth.

On the last week of term we made some pet rocks. We had  a lot of fun painting the rocks and thinking up names for our pet rocks.